person holding the perfect resume

How to Make the Perfect Resume in 2023

A resume is vital when looking for new career opportunities. Whether your professional life spans decades or is just getting started, you will need a resume that shows you in the best light possible. Choosing what to include in a resume and how to present it makes all the difference in the world! And with a changing world in 2023, there’s never been a better time to take another look at how to make the perfect resume.

1. Pick the Right Resume Layout

Depending on your industry, what is expected of your resume might be different. If you are applying to graphic design positions, for example, you will want to show off some of your skills in formatting your resume. A brick mason job, on the other hand, might not require as much stylistic flair. Here are a few examples of different resumes to give you ideas.

2. Include Contact Information in Your Resume

One of the most important things to include in your resume is your contact information. You want to make sure a recruiter or hiring manager knows how to get in touch with you, so you should probably put this info near the top of the resume. Typically, you’ll want to include your email and phone number here, but you may also decide to include a link to your LinkedIn profile, especially if it is up-to-date and displays your qualifications.

3. Use a Resume Summary

Another detail that should be towards the top of your resume is a resume summary or objective. A resume summary usually consists of 1-3 sentences about who you are, what your top-line qualifications and experience are, and what makes you the best candidate for the position. Think of it as a super short cover letter! A resume summary ensures whoever is reading it will understand what you’re about even if they don’t read every single line item below.

4. List Your Work Experience and Important Achievements

Something that everyone hiring for a position looks for is previous work experience. Starting with the most recent position, you should try to list 2-3 jobs you’ve held that are relevant to the position, along with a few bullet points listing the responsibilities you held. If you are going into a new field and don’t haven’t worked in any related positions, you should use the bullet points under your previous employment to list skills used in that job that translate to the job you are trying to land.

You will also want to list any important achievements such as educational information or major career milestones. This type of information can further prove that you are qualified and capable for the job. If you’ve been out of high school for more than a few years, however, you may not want to include high school information. Some hiring managers see that as filling space, since the vast majority of workers in the United States graduated from high school and it doesn’t set you apart.

5. Include Additional Information in Your Resume

Have extra space on your resume and want to really shine? Here’s a bit of insider information for you: You can add personal touches to your resume as well! Once you’ve covered your bases, you can add other relevant information that other candidates may not include. Do you have a background in theatre? Let them know! Were you treasurer for a college club or organization? Your potential employer may be interested! Do you spend time volunteering? This reflects well on you! Your resume should convey what you’re all about, and additional information like this can help give the full picture.

6. Tailor Your Resume for the Job

Every job is different. When you’re starting a new career, you may apply to dozens of positions at different companies. The best policy is to tailor your resume to each job you apply for. Depending on the position, your topline summary may require some tweaks. You may also want to rearrange your work experience to show off a related position first. One tactic many job-seekers use is to prepare two or three versions of their resume that they can pick from depending on the position to which they’re applying. It’s important to put your best foot forward when starting a new career, so make sure you leave a strategic first impression.

7. Proofread, Proofread, Proofread!

The final (and maybe most important) step when creating the perfect resume is to proofread. If you follow all the steps above but deliver a resume full of typos and grammatical errors, it will all be for nothing! Sometimes, your own mistakes can be difficult to spot, so it may be helpful to have a friend check over your resume before sending it to any potential employers.

Aside from grammar and spelling mistakes, this is a great time to check your formatting. Does everything look clean? Is the information easy to absorb? Do sections have headings? These are all things you should check before applying to jobs. A well-organized, mistake-free resume increases your chances of getting the job and starting your new career!

There isn’t one perfect resume. Every job is different and so is every job seeker. What you include on your manufacturing resume may be totally different than what your friend includes on their construction resume, for example. If you need help beefing up your resume and getting qualified for your dream job, contact us today! Our admissions experts can help you find the fastest and most cost-effective path to employment.